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by Chris Zachariou
United Kingdom

Τάκης Ζαχαρίου
ποιήματα Γιαλούσας Κύπρου

  • Writer's pictureChris Zachariou

La Fornarina

La Fornarina
La Fornarina

I. In the silence of a nearly finished day, Margherita straddles all her years of barbed wire fences and takes the painter to her bed. At night she lies with Raffaello —such beautiful things they do together— it’s impossible to resist these pleasures. II. I live outside a dazzling city in the crumbling quarter of dead poets but I can never go back to this dazzling city again. It is hard to breathe the air; the opera house is silent and the soprano is hoarse and gruff. She cowers behind the torn theatre curtains stealing hymns from failed poets who once betrayed the metre. In a ruined church

the stale aroma of burnt-out candles

hangs heavy on the altar.

The dying bishop coughs the lesson

from a stilted script and the cantor

chants a bootleg rhyme.

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