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Thirteen Silk Verses

Chris Zachariou
Poetry Yialousa Cyprus

“Thirteen Silk Verses,” part of the “Cyprus Poems” collection, traces the sorrowful tale of a young girl whose death leaves a profound and lasting mark on all who loved her. Through vivid imagery and stirring language, the poems breathe the sacred rites and mystical traditions of the Greek Orthodox Church, where the echo of the Trisagion—a liturgy of mourning—resounds, and the symbol of the cross endures.


The teenage girl's first love is woven through the verses, his grief, a tender heart-breaking testament to life's fragility. Through his eyes, we glimpse the shattered dreams and unfulfilled promises of a young life cut short.


Each poem blends rich symbolism and lyrical grace, painting a world both familiar and otherworldly. From the whispers of the wind to the moon’s shimmering reflections, every detail carries deeper meaning, inviting the reader to journey into the mysteries of life and death.

Romeo and Juliet: A Boy and a Girl in Love

Romeo and Juliet

A series of death poems by the Cyprus poet Chris Zachariou.  People grieve her death at the Yialousa cemetery in Cyprus.

The cemetery - Yialousa, Cyprus

Romeo and Juliet - The Balcony

Romeo and Juliet

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